Face Fit Testing

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The Quantifit Face Fit Testing machine is the Gold Standard in Respirator Fit Testing.

The principles behind face fit testing are that users of respiratory protection all come in different shapes and sizes, and so does their face masks. The choice of respirator is paramount to ensure it provides the correct protection for workplace hazards, but critically that it fits the wearer and provides optimum protection.

We are able to demonstrate this device at your workplace or at our in-house training facility where the benefits of providing this service will be evident.

Lets start at the beginning: How Face Fit Testing Works

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Wie We Zijn

RSG Safety is een gespecialiseerde aanbieder in de Europese markt van een gericht assortiment Persoonlijke Beschermingsmiddelen (PBM’s) en diensten, met nadruk op haar specialisatie in ademhalingsbescherming.


RSG Safety BV
Marinus Dammeweg 38
The Netherlands


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