We Have Launched Our YouTube Channel

To coincide with the launch of our new websiteFacebook pageLinkedIn profile and Twitter profile, we have also launched our YouTube channel.

The RSG Safety YouTube channel features a number of videos in which our RSG Safety expert demonstrates the safest donning procedures for a number of our products featured in the respiratory protective equipment range.

In our feature video “Save your life in 3 seconds”, we show you how you can prevent fatality in seconds, with an emergency escape mask.  The mask comes in a compact, easily opened package that saves precious time, as our Sales Manager Erik Leinders demonstrates in the short video sequence.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and we will update you when we add a new product demonstration video.

If you have any questions or queries regarding any of our products, including the Escape Masks, please contact us today on +31(0)181745020 or email us Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

Don’t forget to visit our other social media profiles too.

RSG Safety on Twitter | Follow us for industry updates & news | RespiratoryRSG Safety on LinkedIn | Respiratory news and industry updatesRSG Safety on Facebook | Like us for respiratory protections news


RSG Safety Personal Protective Equipment on TwitterRSG Safety: Personal Protective Equipment on FacebookRSG Safety Personal Protective Equipment on YouTubeRSG Safety Personal Protective Equipment on Google PlusRSG Safety Personal Protective Equipment on Pinterest

Product Catalogue


Wie We Zijn

RSG Safety is een gespecialiseerde aanbieder in de Europese markt van een gericht assortiment Persoonlijke Beschermingsmiddelen (PBM’s) en diensten, met nadruk op haar specialisatie in ademhalingsbescherming.


RSG Safety BV
Marinus Dammeweg 38
The Netherlands


Tel: +31(0) 854870395
Email: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

 RSG Safety: Personal Protective Equipment on Facebook RSG Safety Personal Protective Equipment on YouTube  RSG Safety Personal Protective Equipment on Linkedin


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