The Nursing Times have published an article detailing that the latest guidance supports health and safety professionals selecting the correct respiratory protection to minimise the risk of infection and other work related diseases.

In the article, they outline the risks associated with infectious particles, the types of respiratory protection that is available on the market, and detail how RPE should be used correctly.

It is clear that dangerous working environments require high levels of personal and respiratory protective equipment, but in environments where the risk may be deemed low to moderate, it can often be the case where by the user does not choose the correct facial protection.

When workers are at risk of being exposed to infectious particles such as splashes, aerosols and droplets, the level of protection required should be determined using a risk assessment-based approach to choose the most appropriate protection. These factors, as outlined in the article are:

·         The task or procedure being carried out

·         The patient’s suspected or known infectious status

·         The patient’s presenting symptoms

Ensuring that the respirator fits correctly to optimise protection is crucial. “FFP respirators must be suitable for the user’s face shape, leaving no gaps between the mask and face where air can pass through unfiltered.”

It is recommended that all respirator wearers must be fit-tested by a competent person, and there are several ways in which a test of this nature can be carried out, including quantitative respirator fit testing.  In 1992, the idea of Controlled Negative Pressure (CNP) was introduced as a new approach to fit testing.  It was a revolution in respirator testing meaning that the respirator could be tested for leakage in a quick and accurate way.

Find out more about Face Fit Testing

The Nursing Times article concludes that respiratory protection equipment is only effective if used correctly, for the correct application and properly fitted and tested for the individual wearer.

If you would like to speak to one of our experienced team members about respiratory protectionPPE or Face Fit Testing, please Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. or telephone +31(0)181 745020.


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